So, anyone else not like politics?

SO, ya... be nice. We don't all have to agree about what the world should be like. I personally think the world should be an awesome place. :-)
....and no offense to anyone, but please keep the bible thumping out of it. I'm just not up to explaining how incredibly stastitically improbably it is that the earth is 6000-ish years old.

Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby MK500 » Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:45 am

corrado33 wrote:It's even worse when it comes to out customers. (Yes this does fall into business politics). At ANY sort of problem, our customers will come crying to us that our product sucks, even if it has been good for YEARS in the past (and we're giving them the same product). Most of the time it is not the product, but the way in which the product was applied. We give the customer specs on how to apply the product, if they don't do it correctly, there is no warranty. Yet they still blame it on us. In the past, our company would just take the hit and pay out whatever needed to be done. But now, we are actually disputing them and (I'm guessing) 90% of the problems are not with the product itself! (And the other 10% are generally simple, yet expensive, mistakes somebody made.)

This reminds me of one of the videos Jaimie made about his laser cutter. He talked about thinking about calling the manufacturer when he had a problem, but then calmed down and thought it through. He was able to resolve the problem himself; and all was well. If every person in the world who bought something acted like that, then about 90% of the customer-vendor problems would just disappear. In addition to reducing stress for the vendors, it would also make people happier with their stuff and smarter as well.
Last edited by MK500 on Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby dante » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:03 pm

well, who ever played StarCraft - know what is it all about, resources and military. But who is in charge? well, who knows XD maybe aliens ;p

i would like to live in place with nothing like politic.. and stuff system.. but in the end, when I think about it, there will be always somebody who wonna be in charge, a judge deciding about others.. becouse some peoples are maybe lazy, and dont care about global things, thats a gate where leaders come-show up and say - we will take care of it, but until we dont have time to work in 'human normal world' u - lazy ones - should give us part of ur food ..
well during some time,, population got a high point, a globalization, tech and military also went up in power.. and bills.. went too.. well :geek: assuming to this - there should be some riot, some war maybe and then again from begining.. i think that is something we cannot run from. and every anarchy revolt that u can make, will not stay for long, becouse in one minute after freedom i am sure there will be somebody who will take over charge - just in case - just becouse he can . i dont wonna be rude or something, but any time durng talking aobut politics is a wasted time. Plz dont attack me, its just my opinion, maybe i am wrong, or maybe not. I better would like to do some science ^ _^ and some cool science presents for friends of mine XD :P
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby mDust » Thu Jun 02, 2011 1:13 am

Politics = professional pandering. We, the people, are told what we want to hear. Take Obama for instance (I don't like or dislike him...I'm not bashing him), he promised 'change' which is pretty ambiguous by itself but it became a slogan. Then he promised things that he, as commander in chief, would never have any control over. The US president doesn't decide anything...he proposes various things based on what advisers tell him/her and congress decides on the matter. No one politician can promise to do anything other than to raise an issue. So my fellow Americans need to stop listening to what a politician is saying and think about why they are saying it and what they actually mean.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby x0-000 » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:37 pm

corrado33 wrote:I'm not being combative, so please don't take this the wrong way.

But by your reasoning, nobody should talk about politics except the top government officials, and the small closed circle of people? So we shouldn't talk about our own government? We should let that small circle of people make all of our political decisions?

People SHOULD talk about it, otherwise democracy wouldn't work. People just have to know about the extent of their knowledge. Know how much they dont know, so to say. People should avoid talking out of their ass about something they don't know a lot about. People should recognise when they DO talk about something they don't know, and hopefully tell others that they're making assumptions. People should put a little more trust in politicians, who are the 'engineers' of policy, trained their skills for a long time to be worthy of the title, and devote their jobs to doing this gritty business.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby sjvsworldtour » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:28 pm

We actually have a representative republic which hasn't worked in a long time. Since the federal government decided there was no limit on it's power and they decided to pretty much ignore the constitution, government has become an ever growing mess.

If there was really a difference between a republican and a democrat voting might be worth it. The way things are, basically all voting means is getting to choose who will lie to you for the next four years.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby corrado33 » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:52 pm

x0-000 wrote:People SHOULD talk about it, otherwise democracy wouldn't work. People just have to know about the extent of their knowledge. Know how much they dont know, so to say. People should avoid talking out of their ass about something they don't know a lot about. People should recognise when they DO talk about something they don't know, and hopefully tell others that they're making assumptions. People should put a little more trust in politicians, who are the 'engineers' of policy, trained their skills for a long time to be worthy of the title, and devote their jobs to doing this gritty business.

I did that, right? ;)

I'll be the first to admit I haven't researched things. But I will not place my trust in people who are taught to lie for votes. And that IS what politicians have to do to get elected. They need to please the MOST amount of people so they get the MOST amount of votes. That is something I wish would change. I WISH EVERYONE that voted was educated on every matter the politician talked about. But of course that is impossible, and politicians take that to their advantage. It's much easier to convince someone to follow you for a cause if they don't know anything about that cause. I think if the voting public was much smarter about who they voted for, our government would work a lot better, and we probably wouldn't be having this conversation.

Since the federal government decided there was no limit on it's power and they decided to pretty much ignore the constitution, government has become an ever growing mess.

This is what gets me. I get really annoyed when the government tries to take rights away. I'm just bringing this up to make a point, but the right to bear arms. That is directly IN the constitution. There is no doubt about it. Yet the government still wants to make gun laws that make it nearly impossible/too expensive to own one. I don't want to get any further into that because that's not what this thread is about. But THAT is the kind of stuff that gets on my nerves.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby Quasirobo » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:50 am

sjvsworldtour wrote:I am not sure where the idea that the military is where the most money is being spent. Entitlements have far outweighed the military budget for a long time.

Well, the budget WAS balanced at the beginning of the year 2000. It was mostly irresponsible accounting methods related to two wars (that were intentionally not included in the budget until Obama came along), unaccounted for tax breaks for the very wealthy, and an unfunded increase in spending in the terrible legislation called "Medicare Part D" that drove us in to this hole.

Something to consider; we now have the largest income gap of any industrialized country. Our rich are AMAZINGLY rich, and the percentage of working poor is GINORMOUS by comparison. Entitlements when used correctly in other countries have been observed to shrink that gap by making the poor less poor by leading them to being more self sufficient via education. Even in our country, education is a luxury when you have to worry about food or a broken home. This is observed, not theoretical.

I love this country. Our history is full of absolutely incredible examples of people overcoming massive obstacles to achieve a better future for them and theirs, thus, all of us. There are obstacles aplenty now, and they'll take some doing to overcome. But lets not be divided by the "us verses them" mentality any further. The people who are without are not the people we need to stick it to in order to improve things. That's would be un-American! George Washington himself signed the first Welfare legislation!

Entitlements allow our elderly to die with some dignity. They help keep disease in check. They help provide basic opportunities for the poorest among us. Abuse of these systems is a factor, and needs to be constantly looked out for and corrected, certainly, but the proper use of them is much, much more prevalent. It is a terrible thought that we would punish so many because of so few. And our country would suffer terribly as a whole from further reductions.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby sjvsworldtour » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:11 am

Another common misconception is that lowering taxes brings in less money and raising taxes increases the amount of money you bring in. It just isn't that simple.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby jamius » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:35 pm

Ya. Polotics as they are is pretty silly.

I always thought it would be cool if individuals could decide where their tax money goes. So... you can fill out a form, or a check box (with a space for "other", so people can write things in).

With things that benefit everyone like interstate roads, the money is then spent equally across the country for regular maintenance, but if a state puts more money into it, they use the extra for adding new route, or adding lanes, or whatever.

Then with things like... police, fire, hospitals, libraries, medical insurrance, etc you can opt in or out by applying your taxes to those things, or not.

The problem here is that people who didn't contribute often want the service anyway. The attitude that you get something for nothing had to go. Government employees would have to do a good job, and convince they public around them that they are. Could you imagine if the police had to actually be nice to you???? wow.
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Re: So, anyone else not like politics?

Postby sjvsworldtour » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:20 pm

The problem here is the concept that we should send our money to Washington and have them spread it around. For some things it makes sense, like the military or interstates. But for others it is just wacky. If I have a school across the street that needs funding and I send it to Washington and they send it to the school. The problem is that along the way people get paid for handling the dollar. By when the money gets to the school my dollar is ten cents that the school is complaining about why I only sent 10 cents.
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