by grumpybear » Sun Sep 25, 2011 1:08 am
I am neither democrat nor republican conservative nor liberal, I can't stand politics and I like politicians even less. What we need in this country is a return to common sense. Both parties are completely and totally corrupt. The fix to the 2 party system is to outlaw political parties, institute term limits, and a provision to recall any elected official or appointed bureaucrat at any time and for any reason by a simple majority vote of the people.
The federal government can collect import tarriffs and tax the states, the states can tax the counties and the counties can tax the municipalities. That way the money begins at the lowest level of government where people are more able to change it to suit their needs as opposed to the top down where if you don't do x,y and z that you don't need to do where you live the government don't pay what they owe. It should be the other way around counties should be telling states and states telling the federal government if you don't do what we elect you to do we are not paying you anything. We need a balanced budget amendment that can only be exceeded in a time of declared war, and a constitutional limit on taxes at 10% Tax returns would be easy add up your income and move the decimal point, Done! Easier than figuring a tip at a restaurant.
Sure you can go on strike, thats your right, but your boss should be able to fire your sorry butt for not showing up for work. Especially in the instance that was provided in the first post where children's graduation is being delayed over stupid stuff because the teachers are too greedy to put their students first. Don't like something at work deal with it, wait till you move up in the company and change it, or quit and go somewhere else.
We need to end these wars, fine we go into Afghanistan or Pakistan destroy their ability to attack us, get or kill Bin Laden and those responsible for 9/11, and get out. I would support that. But going into a sovereign nation to change the government there because we don't like it, is an act of war and it is international terrorism. Saddam Hussein was making weapons of mass destruction, so are we, Iraq doen't invade the US and tell us what we can do here and if they did I would be part of an insurgency just like people are in Iraq. Saddam was an evil man and was in violation of UN mandates, no doubt about it but thats not our business, let the UN enforce their mandates and let the people of Iraq choose their government. Why don't we tell the UN to get out of NY, when was the last time they did anything for us? While we are at it we should withdraw from NATO too for the same reason. As for Libya we don't even have a bad excuse for being there.