I think this is one of the few places I can actually talk about politics and the thread not get black holed!
Anyway, I've always hated politics. I can't stand people who promise to do this and promise to work on that but nothing ever gets done. I mean many politicians have been known to go to one city saying they believe in one thing (take hot topics like abortion for example), then go somewhere else and say something TOTALLY different! I'm sure I could find examples but it's too nice of a day to be inside for long today.
I just honestly think something needs to be done with the government in general. We spend SO much money on systems that people abuse (welfare and unemployment for example), yet we are what... 14 trillion dollars in debt? How is that even possible? Yet these systems would NEVER get attacked because any politician who wanted to do something about it would NEVER get elected because they would lose all the votes of the people who ARE abusing them. It's a viscous circle! Yes, I support these programs for what they are intended to do. But when someone takes 2 years off of work (on unemployment) because they want to sit around and do nothing, that makes me angry. People on unemployment should HAVE to have a job interview at least once a week. (Hey, maybe they do, I don't know). Heck, one of my coworkers was debating trying to get fired so he could get unemployment to fund his trip around the US. Who even thinks of that?
Don't even get me started on unions.... Unions were created during the great depression (I think) so that people could get FAIR wages and DECENT working conditions. Today, people just use them to muscle more money out of their employers. I see what some of the people make in union jobs, it's ridiculous. Pay raises and incentives should be based on HARD WORK and DEDICATION, not lazyness and complaining. I know I'm generalizing, and I apologize to anyone out there that does union work and is a good worker, but most of the union workers I see are EXTREMELY LAZY! They take their "fifteen" minute break every 2 hours. They take an hour lunch, they work extremely slow. All the while I'm doing twice as much work as they are yet getting paid less than half what they're making. And the company wonders why we don't make any money anymore!
I'll tell you how I was personally affected by unions.
When I was in high school, the teacher's union at my school picketed for 2 weeks at a time. (Cause that's they longest they were allowed to, by union rules I believe). Yet, they did this a couple of times, pushing my graduation date back further and further. Do you want to know what they were striking over? They wanted to pay for LESS insurance. They thought the insurance they were given was too inclusive, and they wanted cheaper, less inclusive insurance. My sister is a teacher (not there), I know what she pays for insurance. It's NOTHING compared to what most people pay. It's absolutely RIDICULOUS that teachers have the right to jeopardize kid's education based on something so MEANINGLESS! They were arguing over dollars! Not hundreds of dollars! DOLLARS! Why do we even HAVE teacher's unions? Do they have bad working conditions? No. They have one of the best work schedules I could ever imagine. Having the entire summer off. Give me a freaking break.
Pay should be based on how well you work. If you don't like how much your employer is paying you, and you're a hard worker that has asked for a raise, then find another place to work. Or at least threaten to! When enough people leave that place for not paying them enough, they will have to pay their employees more. If you are a VALUED employee, your employer will WANT to keep you there. Ugh...
Anyway, Jaimie if you want to lock the thread or black hole it fine, but these are my beliefs. And from watching your videos, I think you have similar ones (although not on the same subjects), so I figured I'd throw this out there.
If anyone wants to disprove my beliefs or contradict me, feel free. I haven't researched these things, so hey, I may be totally wrong. If I am feel free to correct me.