Humans already use too much land.Studies of global land use over the last 300 years show a grim outcome. In the long term, there are going to be big problems caused by the way we use land. Things like strip mining, roads, large concrete cities, to name a few. They all modified the soil or removed the life that was in it. Exactly what solar plants do. Good large scale solar would be
solar roadsways. Use land we already use, put panels on roofs instead of on top of nature. And duh, energy decentralization?? Or do you want to keep paying corporate shmucks sell you 'green energy' produced in a chopped down tropical forests in the equitorial region, because solar radiation is at its highest there? It has been done in Brasil and other countries. This kind of scam irritates me so much. Say they produce a kilowatt of dirty energy, they trade the dirty kilowatt for a green kilowatt, and sell you the dirty one but they say it's 100% renewable. This is just as shady like "CO2-coupons" (this is my best English translation, they have a very fancy name in Dutch). Practically, my country (Belgium) buys 'clean air' from Romania so it can produce pollution in our own country.. And the parameters on which how clean the Romanian air we buy is, are based on data from 1980, when Romania was a rural country with almost no industry. Raaagh! I need a Jamie-lifestyle!