A lot of you are probably into engineering and construction and are knowledgeable, at least a little, in how things work. By the common definition, you are a scientist. Science, after all, shows us how to turn creative ideas in to actual creations.
But there are a lot of people in the world that don’t view science as we do. Usually that’s fine, since I’m a tolerant person and you can have your belief even if it doesn’t, scientifically, make sense. After all, we don’t know everything about science, so who’s to say what even does make sense?
The thing that really bothers me though, is when people flat out deny the voice of science in spite of overwhelming evidence and potential harm from ignoring it. Just as a quick example:
Creationism. That is, the belief that a god (Abrahamic or otherwise) created man as he is currently. I feel this is bad because it implies that humans were chosen to rule the world and therefore we can do anything we want. Evolution, in contrast, implies we are part of nature and therefore should treat it with equal respect. Creationism also implies that good humans are pure. That if you’re disabled, it is as a punishment. Why else would you be created in such a way?
Now I can never be sure that creationism isn’t true, but we have a lot of evidence against it. If someone wants to believe it privately, that’s fine, but it scares me when people make crusades against science because of their personal beliefs. Science has a very good track record. Personal beliefs do not.
There are people that say “Well, we don’t know for sure either way, so we should present each equally” which leads to schools teaching creationism as if it was a known thing. But that denies other beliefs. What if someone else said humans originally grew from trees? Should we give that equal time too? No. Because we can’t humor every contradictory belief. We have to choose one, the best one as far as we know, and in this case evolution is it.
And there are instances when we can’t afford to be tolerant. Sometimes we can’t allow the science to be ignored out of safety.
Anyway, I’m guessing most of you agree with me. My question, though, is how do you personally deal with people that deny science in favor of their beliefs? There was a case where some woman stopped giving her child medicine and instead prayed for healing and the child died. Of course you can’t just tell these people their wrong. Even if you show them all the evidence against their side, they just deny it more. So is it possible to have these people think critically and abandon their biases and look at it from a logical point of view, or in some cases is it just a lost cause?