LithiumFlame wrote:This is great news. I am more proficient in electronics versus the structural part of the project!
Structure will be made out of MDF like the diy website. Next version will be a better quality material. Not sure what yet.
That's awesome! Good for you! I would have to say my greatest electronics achievement was a moonlight I built for my fish tank. I used phototransistors to check for light, and when the lights went out, the sunset/moonlights came on. First I had bright white lights that dimmed down slowly so the fish weren't shocked by the sharp cutoff of light. Then the moonlights came on, and the "moon" moved across the sky. Then in the morning the "sunrise" lights came on to acclimate the fish to the bright lights about to come on. It was cool. Never worked the way I wanted it to (probably due to my shody wiring), but it was cool none the less.
Just a warning though, if you haven't worked with it, MDF is a... uh... well it's hard to work with. It's decently hard to cut (even with brand new saws), and it gets dust EVERYWHERE! (You're essentially cutting through glue...) And, you CANNOT get this stuff wet. It will swell up like a... well.. it'll just swell up really bad. Then it's unusable. I honestly don't know if you can seal it with polyurethane or something. I'm sure you could, but that's just one more step ya know? I used to use it to build speaker boxes for people's cars. It's fine once you get used to it. Just don't say I didn't warn ya.
The 24v or 36v power supply is easy to construct as well. Just a transformer, rectifier, a few caps and a nice enclosure.
So, as I'm trying to learn these types of things, I'm going to try to guess what each component is for.
The transformer is easy. It drops the mains voltage (110VAC/220VAC/whatever) down to 24VAC or 36VAC. Then the rectifier makes that AC into DC. And the caps are to give you a nice constant source (gets rid of ripples). Now, I have a question for you, how the HECK do you buy transformers. I was looking into one once to build an automated lawnmower with the electronics powered by a car alternator, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out which one to pick! I usually buy that kind of stuff for digikey, and they have a million, so maybe that was my problem...