What Projects Would You Undertake...

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What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby TechnoTrousers » Mon May 30, 2011 8:38 pm

...if time/money was not an issue, and you were finished with all your current projects?

Here's my list, from tamest to insane...est?

1. Flying Machine: Probably an ultralight like a FLPHG, since they don't require licenses and other bullcrap in the US.
2. Self Sufficiency Center: A place with everything needed to survive comfortably, without relying on others.
3. Fabrication Center: Machine shop with things such as a lathe, CAD/CAM mill, foundry, welder and press brake.
4. Exoskeleton: Capable of functioning as both a submarine and a spacesuit, and protecting user from harsh environments.
5. Jetpack capable of VTOL with folding wings that can transition to more efficient horizontal flight, basically a combination of this and this.
6. Flying Submarine with enclosed cabin that does not require scuba gear to dive.
7. Orbital Spacecraft (perhaps also functioning as a flying sub?)
8. Flying City based on Buckminster Fuller's "Cloud Nine" idea.

Sure, the things towards the end of the list might sound a little crazy, but I'm sure I could accomplish them with enough time and space. That's why my current project is to obtain those things.
Last edited by TechnoTrousers on Tue May 31, 2011 1:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby Chrillen » Mon May 30, 2011 9:21 pm

Well, I have little to no engineering skills (I think I built a Lego robot once), so any of that is out of the question, and I'm not very ambitious either, so this list probably won't be like the other lists in here. Anyway:

1. Take a MovNat course. So far I'm doing my own (crappy) imitation of their system, based off their youtube videos and what I've read. I'm all for natural fitness, instead of gyms.
2. Backpack around world, namely South America, South-east Asia, North Africa.
3. Try a paleo-lifestyle, like Les Stroud did before he made that show Survivorman. Just to try it.
4. Get a nice, self-sufficient (energy-wise) house when I'm old enough to settle down. Must be in a forest, near a river/creek and a lake (Sweden would be a nice, nearby place).
5. Become competent in bow and arrow hunting. One of my friends' dad does this, and we shoot the bows every once in a while. Cool as hell.

Yeah, most of these are plausible and I probably can get around to doing them at some point in my life, but it will probably be a while since I'm still studying.
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby TechnoTrousers » Mon May 30, 2011 11:30 pm

Sheesh, you're not un-ambitious at all, compared to most of the people in my town you're the Ambitionasaurus himself.
Chrillen wrote:3. Try a paleo-lifestyle, like Les Stroud did before he made that show Survivorman. Just to try it.

I think learning to live without technology is very important, so this is something I definitely want to do as well. Have you seen the Stone Age Bow series on youtube? That guy can make bows like this with little more than sharp stones.
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby stonercough » Tue May 31, 2011 5:42 am

1. build a boat, and i kniow a lot about boats, enough to build one from scratch.
2. Build a ballistae and put it on my sailboat im going to build.
3. make my boat flight-worthy.
4. ... idk... a blimb? space shuttle? rockets? the possibilities are endless.
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby RedhairedDood » Tue May 31, 2011 8:37 am

I would:

1) Transform desolate areas of wasted land into food forests. Just because i could.
2) Open schools that offered University level academics for anybody, for free, forever.
3) Hire hundreds of engineers to develop incredible efficient technology which we all can rely on for a very long time.
4) ??????
5) Profit. (But i doubt it).

and 6) A massive floating house, a few hundred feet in the air. Mostly like an airship or something.
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby Chrillen » Wed Jun 01, 2011 5:23 pm

TechnoTrousers wrote:Sheesh, you're not un-ambitious at all, compared to most of the people in my town you're the Ambitionasaurus himself.
Chrillen wrote:3. Try a paleo-lifestyle, like Les Stroud did before he made that show Survivorman. Just to try it.

I think learning to live without technology is very important, so this is something I definitely want to do as well. Have you seen the Stone Age Bow series on youtube? That guy can make bows like this with little more than sharp stones.

Ah, okay then :P most other projects here just seem a little more different, or complex.

And man, that guy must have YEARS of experience.
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby jamius » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:18 pm

Spaceship. ...a big one.

...with an spaceship hanger in it for smaller spaceships.

...and super powered exo skeleton suits for exploration. ....and zombie smooshing.

The really time consuming part would be all the experiments into how to make an acceptably awesome propulsion system.
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby Team Orr » Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:01 am

I would:

1. Build An even bigger GRP then Jaimie's :lol:
2. Build a robot with its own personality and feeling, E.G can feel all human emotions like love, pain, hunger, companionship, fear etc, and be able to speak every word in the dictionary...yeah.
3. Run the London marathon, again. Except this time actually with the actual race going on, not after it finished because im underage :/
4. figure out a way of cloning steak and other meats so vegetarians would not feel guilty...
5. develop a Jaimie video game :-)
6. get around to finally building my homemade welder
7. Fix my CNC machine :x
8. cycle around the isle of wight: my mum did it in her teens and it sounds like a great idea
9. scale mount Everest...why the heck not? :mrgreen:
10. build a kitcar...sounds like fun
11. build a microlight...jet

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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby WB1 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:39 pm

Hey Team Orr,

Do you want to post some pictures of your CNC mill? I am building one right now! I'd love to have a look at yours.

Almost finished the X/Y axis.

Oh and what are some things you want to make with it???? Cheers
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Re: What Projects Would You Undertake...

Postby Team Orr » Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:43 am

Hey there,

i will gladly post pictures of it if i can find any, unfortunately i have poached most of the parts for some of my other projects (like the X/Y axis is in my GCSE laser cutter project) and the dremel is...well being used as a dremel. I hope to remake it soon out of proper parts not just "borrowed" printer parts and stuff i had lying about, oh sure it worked but i always felt i could do better so that's why i took it apart, i just never got round to finishing it again.
Oh and i have made plenty of things from it, most of my antweights for example :lol: heres an idea of the type of things you can do with antweight designs and 3d CAD and stuff...
http://www.robotwars101.org/forum/viewt ... &start=180
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