So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

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So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby jamius » Sun May 29, 2011 5:06 pm

I like to call it a Ro-BUTT. ....because despite my massively massive brain, I have the social maturity or a 4 year old.

How do you slap pictures into these here posts? Err... ya. As usual, I have no idea what I'm doing. Excellent. Just as I planned!
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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby jamius » Sun May 29, 2011 5:08 pm

Ohh..... its really easy to add images. Der... Its right...... /\ up there. Lets see if I click the silly boo-tonn.

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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby d13rce » Sun May 29, 2011 9:36 pm

:o A Giant robot!? :mrgreen: gonna have to get me some of this living on a cliff and building a big metalic thingamebobbers!!!?


:arrow: ill be back to post later. Hope the robutt is gonna be ok.

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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby TechnoTrousers » Sun May 29, 2011 11:08 pm

Wow! Radical robot, d00d!

Works for holding up buildings too, I hear. Good luck with that. :)
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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby RedhairedDood » Mon May 30, 2011 3:36 pm

I hope you can get your workshop repaired soon. Then you can be riding your ro-butt like a boss in no time.
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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby stonercough » Tue May 31, 2011 5:44 am

can i get in on this robot-building action? i don't have the space in my backyard to build something that awesome.
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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby sjvsworldtour » Tue May 31, 2011 11:15 pm

Hey, throw a tarp over it and you invented the walking tent.

This project is cool in so many ways. I particularly like that you live in the woods off the grid and are building this thing. I keep picturing some hunters out in the woods. Hey, is that a rabbit? No, that's no rabbit. Is it a dear? No, not a dear. Hey, is that a 12 foot tall giant robotic spider? Umm, could be. Man, I got to stop drinking.
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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby corrado33 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:21 pm

sjvsworldtour wrote:This project is cool in so many ways. I particularly like that you live in the woods off the grid and are building this thing. I keep picturing some hunters out in the woods. Hey, is that a rabbit? No, that's no rabbit. Is it a dear? No, not a dear. Hey, is that a 12 foot tall giant robotic spider? Umm, could be. Man, I got to stop drinking.

Hahahah that's great. :lol:

I do have a few questions about the RoButt though.

Jaimie, I think I remember you saying you wanted the robot to be able to traverse the mountainous terrain. Will it be able to do that? Does that design cope well if all three legs aren't on a level plane?

Also, from watching the last videos. It does seem like you're very close to being done. You just have to fix the universal joints you made out of acrylic and make them out of metal so they don't break. Then you have to attach the steering motor/motors right? I remember the huge ball bearing being slightly tough to turn. I don't think that'll be a problem though because you can always gear the motors down (even though they already spin kinda slow). Then there's testing of course. I can't remember anything else that wasn't working yet...
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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby Quasirobo » Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:37 pm

I've also been working on a six legged ro-butt! Though it's just a puny little pea-pod in comparison to Jaimie's radically awesome walking stud tower of manly uber-bot.

I've starting with building just one leg, the goal is: make it hop around in a circle attached to a pole as fast as it can and throw things at it to test out the design's functional theory and construction. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be breaking and changing things on that for a while before I build six more legs and put together the whole robot (I plan to keep one leg just for a test platform). Long term project!

Bah, right now I'm about a month behind where I wanted to be when I started construction six months ago! But that's how these things go. Butt... A big part of that is that I bit off a massive chunk to chew on when it came to design goals, such as building my own linear actuator (which is now done, it works to spec, awesome!).

Anyhow, regarding GRP's rough terrain goals, I believe Jamie had originally constructed the shoulder points of each leg (or maybe it was every other leg?) to be attached to rollers that went along curved tracks so that the beast could change it's individual foot-step-height to adjust for rough terrain. (Very cool, I've had similar ideas.) To simplify and get things going, I seem to remember Jamie welding those joints into a fixed position. I hope he re-visits that theory once the rest is working! Then, the monster should be able to go-a-rough-riding fo-real! At least that's what I think. Hell, I should just let him answer!


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Re: So like, I'm totally building a giant robot

Postby corrado33 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:59 pm

Ah yeah I remember the sliders! That was SO long ago. (Longer in Jaimie time). They were made out of drawer sliders haha. But didn't he remake them out of ball bearings since he had to order them twice (since the train crashed?).
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