I've also been working on a six legged ro-butt! Though it's just a puny little pea-pod in comparison to Jaimie's radically awesome walking stud tower of manly uber-bot.
I've starting with building just one leg, the goal is: make it hop around in a circle attached to a pole as fast as it can and throw things at it to test out the design's functional theory and construction. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be breaking and changing things on that for a while before I build six more legs and put together the whole robot (I plan to keep one leg just for a test platform). Long term project!
Bah, right now I'm about a month behind where I wanted to be when I started construction six months ago! But that's how these things go. Butt... A big part of that is that I bit off a massive chunk to chew on when it came to design goals, such as building my own linear actuator (which is now done, it works to spec, awesome!).
Anyhow, regarding GRP's rough terrain goals, I believe Jamie had originally constructed the shoulder points of each leg (or maybe it was every other leg?) to be attached to rollers that went along curved tracks so that the beast could change it's individual foot-step-height to adjust for rough terrain. (Very cool, I've had similar ideas.) To simplify and get things going, I seem to remember Jamie welding those joints into a fixed position. I hope he re-visits that theory once the rest is working! Then, the monster should be able to go-a-rough-riding fo-real! At least that's what I think. Hell, I should just let him answer!
Hello, you there? Hmm... I bet he's just lost in his "Girls who love Jaimie" thread.