by corrado33 » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:38 am
I've kept fish (and planted tanks) for a couple years now.
Plants actually HELP the tank cycle. They usually contain some bacteria that'll get the cycle started.
There are NO fish that will eat poop. Sorry. That's gross.
However, there ARE fish that eat plants. If you could grow plants that the fish like, and plants that YOU like, the fish will eat their plants and you can eat yours.
Also, you WILL have to change the water out every once in a while. Even if you do a 5% water change.
Yes the plants will remove the nitrates (remember, there is a difference between nitrITES and nitrATES.), but there are other trace elements that if left long enough to build up, will be harmful to the fish.
If you want to have some kind of system like that, please research how to take care of the fish well. Learn ALL you can about the nitrogen cycle. Ammonia -> Nitrite -> Nitrate.
The plants also absorb ammonia and nitrite (in small amounts) so they will actually SLOW the cycle, but it's a bit safer to do a cycle that way.
The easiest way to get started it to just start with a fish or two (depending on size of fish and tank). Let them get settled, healthy, eating, everything for a month or so. Then add another fish. Let it go for a few weeks, etc. That's the SMART way.
If you have ANY questions, feel free to PM me, as me on here, whatever. Remember, even though fish are small pets (and sometimes food), that doesn't mean we can treat them with any less respect than we would a puppy or kitten. I'm no treehugger, but I've seen too many tortured large fish in a tank that's MUCH too small for them.