^ _^ yay , so I am making a world better - by obtaining photographic image - using pinhole cameras !
i am making my own cameras and inserting special paper and then in darkroom i am using some chemistry to make a image ^ ^ !
its cheap, rlly, just need some time and skill and experience and motivation.
the image is created by light going throught a little (0,3mm) hole in front piece of box, and shine on a paper that can be putted inside in maaaany diffrent ways ^ _^
some of my example cameras : http://whitekira.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-post_07.html
some of example photos i made year ago : http://whitekira.blogspot.com/search/la ... rkow%C4%85
What is it about? well, i ended electronic school (sorry for broken english) so i know REAL prices of electronic goods in shops.. becouse i can make most of em by myself
so when i look up at cameras like Canon with super glass that cost ..hmm hundreds hundreds of dollars.. O M G its WAAAAAAY toooooo muuuuch..
so everyone here, u dont have to buy THEIR cameras XD u can make one by yourself..
its easiest part, more complicated is to find some stuuf neede to make a photography..
u will need to find 2x bottles of diffrent chemistry, and one u can make by ur own using any organic acid like lemon juice..
the more important is to find some photo paper, it is a paper that is reactign to light by darkning in areas where light hit a point.
i am sorry i will not show u that, becouse my webpage about it is still in progress ;/ and i didnt translated it to english..
but u can try to watch a skeleton in progress here : https://sites.google.com/site/lenslessphotography/
i promise after my diploma i will build full image ^ _^ with photos and everything i need just some time..
but easier propably will be type in google : pinhole photography, lensless photohraphy,
wish U all luck ^ ^ hope i inspire someone to make some tests!
For science! : )