The only person that hasn't made a mistake is someone who hasn't done anything.
That is one of my favorite sayings, and I believe it to be very true. We all make mistakes. That is how we learn. You aren't stupid if you make a mistake. You learned something. Of course, that may not be true if you repeat the same mistake over and over again, but that is a different topic. Just be creative enough to come up with new mistakes and don't repeat old ones.
One of the things I have noticed on youTube is how quickly people are to criticize. If you put a video of your mistake on the web, there are people that are going to say that was stupid or I knew that was going to happen. Some may have known or maybe they just guessed, but they missed the point of putting the video online. It is so that others can learn, so in effect, people that have the courage to put their mistakes online are doing all of us a favor. Yes, even Jaimie makes the occasional mistake, but look at all the things he has learned to do by making them.
Offering suggestions before hand is fine, but when someone publishes their mistake, they are doing all of us a favor. Don't criticize them.