Cookbook for bachelors

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Cookbook for bachelors

Postby Pat » Mon May 30, 2011 3:37 am

Yep... not very exciting or adventurous, but right now I'm working on writing a cookbook for people that hate cooking (like me!)

I'm not a chef or anything like that, but as a young single bloke I really struggle to find good easy meals to cook. That and just the whole hassle of cooking! I'm on a quest to make it as easy as possible, and I'm documenting it in a book.

I'm hoping to sell my work and fund cooler stuff, like a tiny house
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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby d13rce » Tue May 31, 2011 8:00 pm

Tiny house looks great. in another life, living in austrailia in a tiny house on a beach somewhere....

Sorry, dreams..... Ive got everything I want but it could all be different.

Book would be good. Let me know how to get a copy when its done.

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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby corrado33 » Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:35 am

I believe chicken is pretty easy, and can be frozen readily. Just gotta make sure you cook it through though.

I generally don't have a problem fixing anything in a cookbook, as long as they give me specific instructions on how to make it.

But I think you want recipes that use like... Italian dressing as a marinade instead of having to buy a ton of different spices and stuff. Right?
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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby jamius » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:05 am

My fallback recipe for when I have too many cool things to do to cook anything fancy is cut up whatever is around into 1 inch cubes, and fry it all together in a pan. A common one is potatos, onion, pepperoni, and eggs. ....put into the pan in that order. :-)
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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby Schmittey » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:26 am

I'm a huge fan of skillet cooking! It's fast, easy, and hard to mess up! Something that is really, REALLY easy for bachelors would be cooking with a crock pot. Try looking into one of those for easy and CHEAP meals that last for days!
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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby Pat » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:57 am

Thanks guys, I have a bit of all of those things, but definitely need to add more! Cheers :)
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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby Scodiddly » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:37 pm

A pressure cooker might be a little intimidating, but for guys in a hurry it's an amazing tool. I finally got one a few months ago and use it at least once a week.

Winter squash in 15 minutes!
Stew in 15 minutes!

And of course there's a tiny bit of danger involved, which guys usually enjoy bragging about.
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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby d13rce » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:36 pm

My personal speciality is chicken stovies. A twist on normal stovies with some lean protein to help keep fit.

Everything thrown into a slow cooker or pot if you dont have one until it is a lumpy mash/mess!!

I could live on it but I keep it for hogmany or parties.

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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby Scodiddly » Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:23 am

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Re: Cookbook for bachelors

Postby Team Orr » Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:55 am

Its a Scottish thing ;-)
basically the New years celebration, I don't celebrate it as much now because we all live down south in England, but the Scottish branch's of my family celebrate it with a vengeance...i think the reason we have a bank holiday right after is to let them all recover from the hangovers!
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