Knux V1's sci-fi book!! Now viewable online! =D

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Knux V1's sci-fi book!! Now viewable online! =D

Postby kNuX_V1 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:57 am

Some of you may remember a few months ago, I posted a topic on this site relating to the Sci-Fi novel I was in the process of working on.
The good news is, (For me anyway) that it's as far as I can edit on my own. I've put together a sample pack of the first five chapters (In a book of 29 chapters it's not much =P ) to give you an idea of what the book as a whole is about. I don't want to beg for your opinions, if you'd just like to read the sample chapters for something to do then by all means be my guest, if it really grabs you maybe you'll end up telling your friends =P
The link for the zipped folder is here, its a mega-upload link which as far as I know is usually reliable. I can upload elsewhere if people are having issues.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you in advance if you skimmed over the samples.
All the best,
Last edited by kNuX_V1 on Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Knux V1's sci-fi book!! Plz help with honest feedback! T

Postby mcaK » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:10 am

For any who want to check this out, when I downloaded the file, it didn't have the rar extension. Added that and then the system knew what to do with it. (Just to save ya'll the 5 minutes it took my feeble mind to figure out the problem.)
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Re: Knux V1's sci-fi book!! Plz help with honest feedback! T

Postby kNuX_V1 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:28 am

Thanks man! Guess I was too eager to get it out there =P Thanks for putting up a fix, I owe ya! =D
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Re: Knux V1's sci-fi book!! Plz help with honest feedback! T

Postby kNuX_V1 » Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:58 pm

Okay! I am very sorry to anyone who couldn't access that file and its contents properly, I have now posted the relevant documents online for you to view at your leisure. They can be found at I hope this makes it easier! Thanks to anyone who's read through what's been released so far. I'd love to hear what you think. =D
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Re: Knux V1's sci-fi book!! Now viewable online! =D

Postby kNuX_V1 » Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:15 pm

Hello again!
After some edits and a minor change around with some of the chapters, the sample pack is now available for download as a single document in its newly edited form. I would love your input on this project as it helps me tremendously! Thank you to all those who have given their support and ideas!!

Again, thank you so much for taking the time to check this out. Everything should be much easier to read now and flow a bit better.
Take it easy! =D
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