Jaimie Mantzel's
Creations |
Howdy, I love to build stuff. 'been doin' it since I was....
hmmm, well I can't remember that far back, so its been a while. Its
probly my favourite thing to do (well, that and exercising) 'cause if I
build something it never yells at me for no reason, or eats all my french
fries! hee hee, well who knows why I like it so much, I just do.
Maybe its just fun when ya have a knack for makin' stuff work. Here's
a couple things I've made over the years, but there's lots more.
Oh, and I couldn't bring myself to put some of the more complex ones here
'cause it just wouldn't do them justice, so if ya wanna see those ones
you'll have to come over and look for yourself!
Feel free to ask me any questions you may
have, e-mail me at: [email protected]
or ICQ me at 29020835
1. Here is a 6 legged wall climber I completed on Apr. 27. 1999.
It took 3 days to build and is 10'' long, 6'' tall, and 7'' wide.
It runs on 4.5V (3 AA batteries). It can cling to a slightly soft
flat surface at any angle (even upside down) and walk along using grabbing
spikes to attach itself.
Mpg videos of operation.
No, this isn't sideways,
click on the image to see it climb a
verticle wall. |
Click image
to see a front view
of climbing action. |
2. This little guy is a slug, slow moving, but it gets there eventually.
I built this machine in Jan. 1999. It took about an hour to build
and is about 6'' long. I plan to spend another hour on it to implement
an extremely simple steering mechanism I though of. It runs on 3V
(2 AA batteries).
Mpg video of operation.
Click image
to see the slug crawl. |
3. This thing is part fish, part boat (radio controlled, and solar
powered). Kind of a precursor to a fish submarine I've been thinking
about, well, I guess it wouldn't be a submarine if its a fish, ok, so it'll
just be a radio controlled fish.
This is the first Fish-boat... It worked, but not as well as the
next one will, so he's toast!
Mpg video of operation.
Click image to see the fish swim
(in the sink). |
4. This is the frame of a turtle. After seeing a turtle
walk, I thought the motion would be fairly easy to duplicate, and after
2 hours I completed this guy in Jan. 1999. The design is very simple, and
with the addition of a few other parts I plan to give it the ability to
steer. It is 6'' long and runs on 3V (2 AA batteries).
Mpg video of operation.
Click image
to see the spider walk. |
5. This dude is kind of a spider kind of thing, 'cept it only
has six legs so i guess its a bug. I got the idea of building a 6
legged walking robot that can change direction without turning around from
a cartoon. heh heh, I like cartoons. Anyway. This thing
can walk in a straight line, and can immediately walk in any other direction
simply by rotating a part on the inside of it. You can see it turning
in the video. Its better than a tank turn, since it doesn't have
to waste time turning itself around. It weighs about 4 lbs, and is
50cm tall, and 70cm from one leg to the oppoite one. I still need
to rubberize the feet so they don't slam so hard, but whatever.
Mpg video of operation.
Click image
to see the spider walk. |
6. I made this pretty recently (around Mar. 2001), but the
original popsicle stick version has been around, in a state of miserable
disrepair, for about 7 years. Well, I decided to build this steel
one and make it radio controlled, and put a wireless video camera on it.
You know, to terrorize the cats. heh heh. It weighs about 20lbs.
A good percentage of that is a Lead acid battery. Its 30cm tall,
and 70 long. As you can see a little in the video it actually handles
not too bad. It has less than a 2ft turning radius, and hasn't fallen
over yet, it'll even stay up stepping on golf balls, or going up a 1.5inch
step. :-) There are all kinda of details you might not
notice too, like how the feet reach their highest point right above where
they step down... so it can get over things easier.
Mpg videos of operation.
Click image to see it walk. |
Click image to see it walk
from the side. |
7. So... ya. I guess I've been neglecting this area for a while.
Not to disappoint, I've got one of my newest creations to show. Its
a spider tank. I made almost all the pieces out of plastic.
Its this 2 part exopy-ish plastic. That is you mix 2 liquids together,
then in about 10 minutes it solidifies into white plastic. I made
molds for most of those parts with a similar rubber product. That
way as long as I could make the origina piece in the right shape.... using
anything somewhat solid (vlay, cut up plastic pieces, chucks of crap off
the floor, gum.... whatever) I could mold it then pour plastic into the
mold and make solid plastic parts. yippee. I've managed to
get the engineering of this design worked out to a pretty simple design,
and I'm very happy with it. Well, with no further adooooo, here it
is! Oh, and it was completed some time in early 2006. ...and
like isn't there a way to get paid for making stuff like this!?
MOV video of operation...
just click it already!
. |
Mail me something [email protected]