Vermont 6

Sooo...  here's more stuff.  Jaimie has been working hard to get his home together.  Electricity is plentiful.... at least enough to watch movies!  Plumbing is operational... even if there is no toilet yet.  Soon, yes, soon!  The shower works great.  I put a hose and a garden hose gun sprayer thing in there (I'll get a picture soon).  Hmmm... the reservoir fills pretty fast when its raining.  I still need to insulate the rain barrels though.  The floors are really great.  Foam rubber... big upgrade from concrete.  Ok, I'm tired.  zzzzzz.......

...just had a shower in the 
rain.  :-)

OK, I haven't worked out in 
a year... I love it.

Yep, Tom.

The Stove!

Concrete floor...

More of the floor....

...still the floor....

The Stoooove!

The Stove Pipe!

Beginnings of the shower.

New back wall

Earth duct.

Close up shower...

Leftover concrete.

Shower taking form...


Future sink!

Into the shower...
..and it works!

There it is, done.

mmm, one pan meal.

Stove pipe, final answer!

Me in the shower.

Front wall... too bright!

The other side is viewable.

New foam rubber floor!

...ain't it cool!?

I think so!!!