This Bear! He was just hangin' out walking across
the road. We watched him for a bit, and Steph took a picture while
we talked about whether or not I could take a bear like that. haa
...just in case.
I decided to keep my knife in my pocket... just in
case. You know... the big knife that I made... its on my 'smithing
page, and has a spider in the handle. We saw lots of blobs of big
poop tha could only have been bear poops! yuck. And sure enough,
within the first mile, we heard this beast charging through the bushes.
Don't worry, it was running away.
After the first hour or so, I felt that Steph was
getting a little bored of just walking and walking. Sooo...
I stopped her, and decided to have a challenge! You know... "Survivor"
style. (She likes that show). It was a throw rocks one after
the other until the winner hits this tree that was about 30m away.
Well, she kicked my butt! argh! Got it on the third throw.
1-0 Steph.
Then we stopped at the edge of a valley to throw rocks
at the waterfall on the other side. Way up behind Steph in the picture.
I don't think she was ready for the picture. haa haa.
She took one of me too, but I was ready. :)
er.. kinda. SMILE! haa haa. Look, I'm standing on top
of the trees. OK OK, we were just on an overlooking cliff.
I love the wilderness.... when you can see hundreds of miles of unknown
terrain full of little mysteries.
After the acorn pick up, and the stick stuck in a tree
challenges was the "cut this log in half taking turns wacking with my knife"
challenge. It took about 20 minutes, but I got the final blow.
Then we got to one of the waterfalls that I insisted
be on our path. :) I love waterfalls! So we jumped in.
After a few more challenges in which I won dinner....
:) we were about a mile from the end of our journey, and...
We saw bear #3. This bear was literally about 100ft up a tree!
AND.... the tree was right beside the path we had to take. I just
remember steph asking "what should we do" in a concerned voice as the bear
saw us, and started bookin' it down the tree. I've never seen an
animal move like that! It was quick, and wreckless, but incredibly
good at climbing. It was coming down fast. I secretely powered
up... just incase ;-) as I said, "Don't worry. He's more
scared of us than we are of him... and besides. I won't let anything
happen to you." We got past the tree before the bear reached the
bottom. That was my biggest worry... having to still get past it
if it came down and didn't run off. He did though, and we lived to
tell the tale. :) One more picture for the road. :)
Yep. Our tongues are still intact. Ya gotta
check these things every now and then.... just incase