Operation: Crazy Operation! Creating the Banana Building.
In a nutshell, I got my hands on a free retired airplane
hanger. 30ft by 45ft. Ya, huge! I couldn't pass it up,
so I took it knowing I had no way to get it up the mountain. ...yet.
I don't want to give anything away, but I decided to
insulate it with styrofoam boxes. Did you know that Grocery stores
get deliveries of styrofoam boxes packed with meat, fish... grapes... .all
kinds of stuff. Guess what happens to all those millions of boxes.
They get thrown in the garbage. I couldn't believe it! Its
horrible! What kind of monsters are we! Well, I did what I
could, and rescued over 2000! :-) They have new long term
life now. ...and the landfills are happy about it. So... if
you're wondering how a nut makes a workshop out of garbage while trying
to save the planet, and make it a more interesting place.... take a look!